mardi 15 mars 2011

For Laramie Street

My great friend Laramie Street recently left a comment on my last post, and she had some great points! At the end she said that I could probably think of at least 5 things that I like about France! So I am going to do just that!!! Laramie this blog is dedicated to you! I would also like to apologize if it seems like I have been complaining, I don't mean to sound that way, just things are hard sometimes! I do recognize that I am so blessed to be able to study abroad, because it truly is a once in a lifetime experience!! Also, I am making this blog post from my phone as my computer charger bit the dust last Friday and I am waiting for my new one to come in, so if there are any typos or whatnot...I don't really care enough to proofread!
Okay so here is my list:
1. The food here : now I am not saying that I particularly prefer French food to "American" food...however, who doesn't love the opportunity to be walking in town and be surrounded by all of the croissants, pain au chocolats and crèpes that you could ever want!
2. The tram : now that I have got the public transportation here pretty well figured out, I love it! I mean, who can't appreciate 2 hours everyday where you can listen to music, think, read and people watch everyday! It is one of the most relaxing parts of my day and I quite enjoy it.
3. It's old : everything here has such character and a history to it. I love walking around thinking of all the old servants and nobles that once lived here! The narrow streets that look like they came right out of a chick flick! We don't really have anything that can compare to it back home!
4. IKEA : this one is kind of cheating, but not really! I love having the option to go to IKEA pretty much whenever. I find a strange comfort when I am there, and I take advantage of my close proximity of the enormous store. Yes, there are IKEAs back home, but I must travel long distances to get there!
5. The Mediterranean : though chris and I did "go" there and it was a joke, I am convinced that there is some beach nereby, and that is stinkin' cool! Also, I will just add that I am so close to so many beautiful and different countries, and while I may not have the money to visit them, it is amazing being surrounded by so much culture.
Well that concludes my list! One more awesome thing is that my dad surprised me in that he is going to come visit me in just two weeks! I'm bummed my mom can't make it, but completely understand!
My next post will most likely be after my Saturday excursion to la Couvertoirade and les caves de Roquefort (where Roquefort cheese is made!!!)

1 commentaire:

  1. so jealous about IKEA... it takes me 3 hours to get to an IKEA... BUH! BUH BUH BUH!!!!!!
